We are practitioners of our trade and have spent real time walking the many of the same trails which our customers cover in their journeys. Be it the climate / weather, high altitude concerns, travel gear, or the fitness requirement of almost any place on earth, we're able to provide practical advice based on real personal experiences . . . not information memorized from glossy travel books. Our store manager himself has >20 years of experience in organizing, managing & leading adventure travel and treks and is more than happy to share with customers on how to gear up for any conditions from the tropics to high & old places.
Many of us have not ventured into a jungle previously nor trek to a high mountain before. To be caught out in the open in an under-prepared state is not something any one of us would enjoy.
We believe that no one should have a bad time when in the outdoors. Most times, there is no bad weather, only bad gear. But even with good gear, the trick is knowing what to wear, how to wear, and when to wear at the right time and at the right place.
We pride ourselves on being able to provide sound practical advice on the outdoors and will ensure that you are well advised and equipped before you set off on your adventure of a lifetime.
As our customers, we promise that you will not have a bad time when outdoors, even in bad weather. Don't just take our words for it, take us on and experience the difference yourself . . . |